Friday, July 11, 2008

You Guys Have To Be Stoned

The last time I went down to visit my family in Houston we went over to a friends house who had recently purchased a 1983 Porsche for his wife. We had the great idea to cram 4 grown adult men into the car together (my two brothers, our family friend and myself, each weighing at least 200 lbs.) in search of my first crawfish boil. On the way to the coon shack, we stopped at Exxon Mobil to hit the ATM. As we were parked, a man who looked stoned himself, looked at us and said, "You guys have to be stoned, hahaha(stoner giggle)." He then went on to grab his disposable camera and take a photo of the four jolly men flipping him off while packed inside the porsche. What a great day. We pounded some serious crawfish that night and I have been craving it ever since.

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