Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Standing Ban

This article is featured on Yahoo home page this morning. It goes into saying that Arrowhead Stadium is "banning" standing by fans. Well my friends, this story is a bit misleading. There has always been a code of conduct at Arrowhead that asks for you to avoid prolonged standing and excessive celebration. Do you really think that a stadium, especially Arrowhead, is going to BAN standing altogether. Give me a break. And over the years, it hasn't been too much of a problem. Yes, there was a time when Arrowhead was the loudest most intimidating stadium to play. Well not anymore. As a season ticket holder I promise you that the last three years more people sit than stand. Of course you get your occasional drunk asswhole who thinks he owns the stadium, and that guy needs to sit down.

I guess my point here is that no stadium/owner in their right mind would ban a fan or a group of fans from standing. If you go to the game, you respect those around you. That's it. If the guy behind me sends a text message in ratting me out for standing after a TD or turnover, I'm gonna be pissed. Tap me on the shoulder and ask me to sit. If I'm rude back, then go on and tattle text. Punk.

The Chiefs home opener is September 19 vs. Oakland and the place will be rockin'. I will let you all know if they start escorting people out from getting off their ass. I seriously doubt it will happen.

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