Monday, July 7, 2008

Note From Scooter

From Scooter:

“Are you taking a typing class or something?”
Anonymous Superior, commenting on the abundance of emails to from me to his inbox. Sorry Anonymous Superior, there is a lot of work going on.

OK, we get it, your on the fast track around here. For those of you that don't know, Scooter got promoted here at work. Well, ever since Scooter's promotion was made public he has certainly been blogging a lot about it - 1, 2, 3. Have some humility there guy. Some of us are still in the P.A.C.


Anonymous said...

For the record, I blogged about the promotion ONCE! The other "two" times you are referencing I was thanking my fellow blogger for the "congrats" and the other was just a quote from the boss about all the emails - something he said to be before.

So...get off my jock KH! Don't forget whose vote got you on the P.A.C. leadership council!

ellenclare said...

yeah asshole! let's stone him to death.

and ps, he didn't vote for you to be on leadership council. he's a liar! LIAR!

kensington high said...

Scooter, let's not get upset now. I am stating truths here, all truths. The leadership council no accepts you as a member and you need to face the reality. I'm sorry it had to end this way.

The A Man said...

KH- I didn't know you were on a Political Action Committee. Do you have any kickbacks for the energy sector?