Thursday, July 31, 2008

Excitement = Understatement

Who is this goofy looking bastard you ask? His name is Connor Barth and he is the potential starting kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs. I know you don't even need to ask why that is exciting news to me. I will be sporting a white Barth jersey to Chief's games this year if he comes out of River Falls with the job over Nick Novak.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I did it as a joke...

I really don't know how this happened but I guess I have a serious following.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Mumbling Knight

For all of you readers out there that have seen the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight, you will appreciate this video.

Monday, July 28, 2008

How Much?

That's the 50 million dollar face ladies and gentlemen. Chiefs and Glenn Dorsey agreed to 5 year $51 million contract this weekend, with $20 million of it being guaranteed. Guaranteed money, that means he could tear every ligament in his knee at practive today, never be able to play a single down in the NFL, and pocket 20 million dollars. Congrats Glenn, try not spend it all in one place. Man I hope he doesn't turn out like this guy.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Don't Worry, Be Happy

The weekend is officially here. Well, in about 40 minutes. Let your worries wash away in whatever it is you may drink. As if you didn't already guess, Slick and I are lake bound. However, this weekend is a trip to the Ozarks. There will be no fishing this weekend, strictly imbibing. Everyone be safe, drink a beer for me and I'll do the same in return. Until next time, everybody wang chung tonight.

Happy Friday

Here is a fun little video for you to enjoy. Nice editing if I do say so myself.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Yes that's right boys and girls, you will soon to be able to rent an unlimited amount of movies online through your XBOX Live account, for no additional cost. Micorsoft and Netflix have joined forces to offer the largest on demand movie library in the world. It's times like these that I am thankful for buying my 360. According to this article, XBOX Live users will be able to rent movies through Netflix and share with friends across the country. Just think Babo, we could rent Cheech and Chong, watch it together and chat about it though Microsoft's VOIP. How great is that.

Chiefs Agree to Terms with T Branden Albert


Holy Sh*t!!!


I wouldn't mind to go back to bed right now. We had a double header in Ad League softball last night. We went into the night undefeated and came out with two losses. We drank some beer but not enough for a hangover. Is it Friday yet?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

You Know You've Had a Bad Day When...

I'm Like Nelly With This Dilemma

So Slick and I have been discussing the prospect of owning a lab. Today, I recieve an email from a fellow work associate saying hey, check out these lab puppies that need a home. What's a man supposed to do...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Yeah Baby!

Now that's a nice bass. And a special thanks to A-man for the hat.

Ichiro Explains What it's Like in August in Kansas City

Bob Costas asked all-star Seattle outfielder Ichiro for his favorite American expression. What he got was, well, you've got to watch the video. I'd say Kansas Citians might be mad about what he says, but, alas, it's true.

By ERIC BARTON of the Pitch

Someone please tell me what Ichiro says in this video clip. And really Bob, that laugh has got to be tamed down a bit. I can't even understand what he said but it can't be as funny as your laugh made it out to be.

Alright Rocko!

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

This Is So Babo

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly Espy Audition

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Is it five yet?

Waffle House Mahem

Have you guys seen this? Kid Rock throwing some blows in a Waffle House.

Breakfast of Champions

I opened a new box of Cheerios this morning and out popped a pleasant suprise. I got my own Joker figure from the new Batman movie. He does a little karate chop and everything. F-ing sweet is what that is.

Monday, July 21, 2008


It's the time of year for all football fans to get excited. All the buzz on talk radio, blogs and what's that other sports network, oh yeah, ESPN is all about football. Colleges are introducing their new crop of players and pros are acclimating the rookies. I love this time of year - it's still summer, which means I can still go to the lake, but football is being talked about everywhere. Oh shit, I almost forgot, FANTASY FOOTBALL*. Holy shit, I am so excited right now I need to stop typing. Have a good day friends.

*Face and myself have put together a nice winning streak over the past few years. I hope this year can be as profitable as last.

Drink Up

To all my friends who enjoy a glass of wine...and those who don't...

As Ben Franklin said, in wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in
water there is bacteria.

In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated
that if we drink one liter of water each day, at the end of the year we
would have absorbed more than one kilo of Escherichia coli, (E. Coli), the
bacteria found in feces. In other words, we are consuming one kilo of poop.

However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine and beer (or tequila,
rum, whiskey, or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a
purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting.

Water = poop
wine = health.

Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water
and be full of shit.

There is no need to thank me for this valuable information. I'm doing it as
a public service for all my friends......

Thank you step mother for the words of wisdom.


I remember watching this video when I was a sophmore in college. For all of you that have not seen it, it is a must watch. Thanks A-man for the link.

A-Man Makes His Debut

Here is the A-man. Flashing some chest hair and his desperate need for a haircut.

North vs. South Showdown

You know what I would love to do? Go to the MU vs. UT football game in Austin this year. It is homecoming at UT, my sister goes to UT, I am a MU fan by birth and who doesn't enjoy a good party weekend. Well the brother known as "A-man" decided to get tickets for himself, not include me, and then send me a chat this morning to pour salt on the wound. Thanks a lot bro.

Babo, Prom, Priceless Pic

Babo sent me this pick on his own, foolishly thinking I wouldn't post it atleast twice a month. He claims that this picture was captured after his first prom. You can tell by his shirt and the cheese dick smile on his face that he is in fact, drunk.

Monday Funday

If I said I love Mondays would anyone believe me? Well it's not true, so don't.

I had a nice weekend hanging out with Slick. I think we burnt through atleast $40.00 in gas on Friday night alone. I caught the biggest bass of my young fishing career and a picture of that beast will be coming today if I go home for lunch. Slick failed to catch anything but a tree limb for the second weekend in a row.

It is f-ing hot here in KCMO. I'm going to the Royals game on Tuesday, I hope it cools down by then.

It's good to be back in the saddle. Look for a post heavy week my friends. I have some make-up to do for the lack of posts last week.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sharpie Pen

Slick bought me the new Sharpie Pen last night and recommend all my readers go down to CVS and pick one up for themselves. Hell, if you are feeling generous, pass the love to someone else too.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Client Lunches

You gotta love em. Free and tasty. As A-dub would put it, food comma here I come. I'm debating between the fried shrimp platter and the filet. Decisions, decisions.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Gone Fishin'

This is the last post of the week my friends. If you want to find me this weekend, look for the guy in a cowboy hat, with a fishing line and a miller lite. That will be me. Have a great weekend.

In honor of our supervisor getting ready to have a her first son, I post this. Best of luck. He's going to look like a little pimp in the Royals Onesie I got him.

You Guys Have To Be Stoned

The last time I went down to visit my family in Houston we went over to a friends house who had recently purchased a 1983 Porsche for his wife. We had the great idea to cram 4 grown adult men into the car together (my two brothers, our family friend and myself, each weighing at least 200 lbs.) in search of my first crawfish boil. On the way to the coon shack, we stopped at Exxon Mobil to hit the ATM. As we were parked, a man who looked stoned himself, looked at us and said, "You guys have to be stoned, hahaha(stoner giggle)." He then went on to grab his disposable camera and take a photo of the four jolly men flipping him off while packed inside the porsche. What a great day. We pounded some serious crawfish that night and I have been craving it ever since.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Babo laying the mack down!

Babexia (11:09:30 AM): myspace?

lauracampin (11:09:36 AM): yeah

lauracampin (11:09:47 AM): but I think my myspace page is like private

lauracampin (11:09:52 AM): I can send you one

lauracampin (11:10:46 AM): my myspace *********** - I think it's just a pic of my truck though on my profile

lauracampin (11:10:51 AM): lol I love my truck

lauracampin went away at 11:16:28 AM.

lauracampin returned at 11:39:21 AM.

lauracampin (11:41:48 AM): damn

lauracampin (11:41:53 AM): it keeps blocking me

lauracampin (11:42:01 AM): I was just in there yesterday

Babexia (11:43:05 AM): you have a new myspace friend... if you choose to accept the mission

HAHAHA! You knew I wasn't going to post the whole thing. Good times Mikey!

Office Lovers and Office Pranksters

For all of my readers that enjoy the TV show "The Office" you will enjoy this video clip here. It is the top 10 ways to prank Dwight. Enjoy!

Happy Hump Day

We are half way there folks. I am itching to throw in a fishing line and snag me a big one. Everyone have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Billy Big Mouth

Look out Billy, it's Tuesday and I'm coming for you on Friday. All weekend, in your face. Bam!

*Note to readers. If I catch a bass as big as Kelvin Sampson's above, I will stuff that bitch and hang it in my cubicle.

My Blog's Current Status

Work is keeping me busy. No time for any ideas here.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Note From Scooter

From Scooter:

“Are you taking a typing class or something?”
Anonymous Superior, commenting on the abundance of emails to from me to his inbox. Sorry Anonymous Superior, there is a lot of work going on.

OK, we get it, your on the fast track around here. For those of you that don't know, Scooter got promoted here at work. Well, ever since Scooter's promotion was made public he has certainly been blogging a lot about it - 1, 2, 3. Have some humility there guy. Some of us are still in the P.A.C.

Nothing to say

I literally have nothing to say but wanted to get a post up for all(7) of my readers. I hope everyone had a safe, fun 4th and came back with all your fingers. Tomorrow should be a lot more fun around here. Enjoy the photo. One of my all time favorites. We've certainly come a long way since 7th Heaven, haven't we.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Standing Ban

This article is featured on Yahoo home page this morning. It goes into saying that Arrowhead Stadium is "banning" standing by fans. Well my friends, this story is a bit misleading. There has always been a code of conduct at Arrowhead that asks for you to avoid prolonged standing and excessive celebration. Do you really think that a stadium, especially Arrowhead, is going to BAN standing altogether. Give me a break. And over the years, it hasn't been too much of a problem. Yes, there was a time when Arrowhead was the loudest most intimidating stadium to play. Well not anymore. As a season ticket holder I promise you that the last three years more people sit than stand. Of course you get your occasional drunk asswhole who thinks he owns the stadium, and that guy needs to sit down.

I guess my point here is that no stadium/owner in their right mind would ban a fan or a group of fans from standing. If you go to the game, you respect those around you. That's it. If the guy behind me sends a text message in ratting me out for standing after a TD or turnover, I'm gonna be pissed. Tap me on the shoulder and ask me to sit. If I'm rude back, then go on and tattle text. Punk.

The Chiefs home opener is September 19 vs. Oakland and the place will be rockin'. I will let you all know if they start escorting people out from getting off their ass. I seriously doubt it will happen.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Boones Farm

Remeber in High School when you used to drink a bottle of Boones Farm with two buddies and you would all act like you were getting drunk. Well today I learned that Boones Farm only contains 3.9% alcohol by volume. That is less percentage than beer in the state of Missouri. I now feel like less of a man for "pretending" to get drunk off the Farm in high school.

Now I'm depressed and think I might drink my sorrows away tonight with a ice cold bottle of Boones Farm. I will let you know how my hangover is treating me tomorrow.

Is Missouri Next?

4 days of work.

When Knight Rider Goes Too Far

What a classic show. A talking car that makes a mediocre guy seem like the coolest chap on the planet. Well my readers, I happen to be realted to a real life Knight Rider...

Meet my step-bro "Babo/Burt Jr."

and his car "big black".

Babo has always enjoyed fast cars and a lack of women. That is where I draw the parallels between The Hoff and Babo. I mean, come on Hoff, you couldn't pull in some better tale in Baywatch than this? I mean, her sister was smokin! Sounds just like Babo. He always had the fly ride but couldn't land the hottie.

Well Burt, we hope you and Big Black change that streak of Stephanie Holden's and land a Caroline or two. Keep her clean bro, keep her clean.

Much love brother, the car looks nice!