Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Welcome Back!

What a nice weekend. I wish every weekend involved three days off work. I think we would all be in better moods come Monday, or in this case, Tuesday.

I know you have all been anxiously awaiting a recap of the weekend. Let's go ahead and start with Omaha Friday night. Turned out the the weather forecast was deceiving. It was cold, but not wet. Picture of me and the five ladies that shared the hotel room with above.

Saturday: What a hangover. Seriously, my eyeballs hurt from Friday night. What can you expect from an open bar. Well, we hit the road and landed at Lake Viking Saturday around one. Beautiful weather and a nice sun burn today. (Full post coming on the lake).

Sunday: We spent the last full day with our sister before she left for Houston. She will be missed greatly by all in KC. Hopefully she will route herself this direction for the 4th of July. "Bud", if you are reading this, do you mind hooking up the plane ticket?

Monday: Hung out, did some wakeboarding and made the decent back to KC. I hope everyone had a nice safe holiday weekend.

What you can look forward to this week:
- Full post on the lake trip
- The logic behind the name "Kensington High"
- Royals Tracking Network
- Special look into the KC Chiefs
- Semi interesting post on the Astros (this may be a special guest post by one of our brothers - they just don't know it yet.)

See you soon. KH, DB

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