Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Kensington High

You ask yourself, where did this "Kensington High" character come from. Well my friends, let me tell you a little story about my times in London. I had family that lived very close to the High Street Kensington Tube Stop. This was a common walk for myself and brothers to get to our late night adventures in London. We had many good times in our travels to London and miss them dearly. This is where we met Paul aka "Pool", where we shoved our buddy "Face" into the Tube doors and he about had a heart attack. This is where our eldest brother "A-man" vommited in the courtyard where a BVLGARI heir and a super model lived. This is where our brother "Babo" or "Burt Jr." (see his playlist in the right nav. bar) about got his ass kicked by a pub owner down the street. London gave us many fond memories and is a key ingredient to the name "Kensington High".

At the time this web log originated, we also happened to live with our buddy "Face" who owned a house on Kensington Ave. So the two things combined have led to our identity being one Kensington High.

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