Friday, May 30, 2008

It's the Fire

Seriously thinking about buying this.

Love Fridays

"Hey, everybody look, Smokey back there takin a sh*t!"

What a great movie. Ice Cube and Chris Tucker at their finest. Next Friday was ruined by the absence of Chris Tucker. That's like doing a Back to the Future without Marty. I mean, Doc, great character, but he can't manage the delorean on his own.

Happy Friday readers. I will have a couple more posts before I set the keyboard aside for the weekend. Come back and check us out. I managed to get the Google Analytics up and running and numbers are looking down. Please, tell your friends.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

H-Town Is The Place To Be

Well, what an accomplishment for the city of Houston. According to Kiplinger's Personal Finance Houston tops the list as the best place to work, live and play! I can see the headlines in the Houston Chronicle now

"Houston, the Miami of Muddy Water."

Back to being serious, let's look at the list of other cities that were in the running. In second place is Raleigh, N.C., followed by Omaha, Neb.; Boise, Idaho; and Colorado Springs, Colo. In seventh place was Fayetteville, Ark.; followed by Sacramento, Calif.; Des Moines, Iowa; and Provo, Utah. Does that list surprise anyone else? Omaha, Nebraska... Des Moines, Fucking, Iowa. I mean really? Who is the "Kiplinger" guy?

I'm not trying to take anything away from Houston. What was funny is that both my brothers sent me an article about being #1 within 10 minutes of each other. Obviously they are proud to be Houstonians. I like it down there. It is a good time. It's just too damn hot for me. But hell, it's too damn cold here in the winter.

Congratulations Houston. Hopefully next year, you will be able to hold off Topeka, KS and Peculiar, MO to remain on top.

Till next time my friends. Keep it classy.


This seriously reminds me of the football players in college. Can you guys relate or is Northwest Missouri State University unique? Because those guys were Douche Bags! Enjoy.

Royals Tracking Network


Acronyms. Great, aren't they? They allow you to express yourself in a quick, convenient manner.

OMG = Oh My God

WTF = What The Fuck

IHTFR = I Hate The Fucking Royals

Kensington High, how do you hate the Royals you ask...You have always been an avid Royals supporter. Well, NO MORE MY FRIENDS. The broken record plays no more in this household. 10-in-a-row is the end!

The Kansas City Royals lost me last night. Leading 8-3 going into the bottom of the ninth, manager Trey Hillman takes Zach Greinke, eight strong innings and highest career pitch count 117, out for reliever/closer Ramon Ramirez to ruin it and give up 5 runs. To prevent the loss of food from my belly, you can read the here. Awful!

This is the end of Kensington High's affinity for the Boys in Blue. I can't take it any more. It is too much. Too much losing. Wednesday night is the straw that broke the camel's back. No more Royals posts. No more sticking up for their mediocrity. I am done. Finished. You can call me a fair-weather-fan. Give it a try yourself - pour your all your heart and soul into a club that takes you nowhere.

I feel you Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Phili. It's no fun. I'm done. DONE. This is the last Royals Tracking Network you will see this year. They ruined it for me.

FYKC = Fuck You Kansas City,


Wednesday, May 28, 2008


For all you inexperienced bloggers, if you see an underlined statement like this , it is a hyperlink. CLICK IT! It will take you to various destinations like a website, a photo like this, (she's got nothin on "slick") a video like this or this (sorry MU fans), or an old post from TIC (the idea comes) like this one.

I hope this teaches all "TIC" readers a valuable lesson. Links are an important element of this broadcast. The links inspire and reinforce the message. If you have questions or concerns, please, leave a comment.

Much Love,



Just got a call from a work friend and landed first row tickets to the Royals vs. Twins tonight at the K. If you get FSN-Midwest, look for section 103, row 1 and you will find me and my lady "slick" drinking a beer. This has made for a delightful Wednesday. Goodnight my friends. Don't forget, Royals Tracking Network tomorrow night. You can garuntee the picture comes from tonights game.

Big Game 5

Big game five tonight boys and girls. The "finally good" Celtics play host to the aging Pistons. The Pistons are slightly better in terms of shooting percentage in the first four games of the series:
Detroit - .454%; Boston - .449%
Will Boston give up another home loss or will they prevail putting Detroit's back to the ropes?

Boston has won all four rubber matches in the post season; games 5 & 7 against the Hawks in round 1 and Cavs in round 2. Game coverage tips off at 7:30 ET. Check back tonight for a recap and box score of the game.

Hump Day!

I am going to kick off this Wednesday with a link to my favorite sports blog on the net.
The Big Lead. The following link shows yet another example of Kansas City Sports getting beat down by the man. In this case, David Beckham is the man.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Kensington High

You ask yourself, where did this "Kensington High" character come from. Well my friends, let me tell you a little story about my times in London. I had family that lived very close to the High Street Kensington Tube Stop. This was a common walk for myself and brothers to get to our late night adventures in London. We had many good times in our travels to London and miss them dearly. This is where we met Paul aka "Pool", where we shoved our buddy "Face" into the Tube doors and he about had a heart attack. This is where our eldest brother "A-man" vommited in the courtyard where a BVLGARI heir and a super model lived. This is where our brother "Babo" or "Burt Jr." (see his playlist in the right nav. bar) about got his ass kicked by a pub owner down the street. London gave us many fond memories and is a key ingredient to the name "Kensington High".

At the time this web log originated, we also happened to live with our buddy "Face" who owned a house on Kensington Ave. So the two things combined have led to our identity being one Kensington High.


If you haven't yet taken place in the online voting (look to your right), we would appreciate it if you would do so at this time. The polls close in 2 days.

Welcome Back!

What a nice weekend. I wish every weekend involved three days off work. I think we would all be in better moods come Monday, or in this case, Tuesday.

I know you have all been anxiously awaiting a recap of the weekend. Let's go ahead and start with Omaha Friday night. Turned out the the weather forecast was deceiving. It was cold, but not wet. Picture of me and the five ladies that shared the hotel room with above.

Saturday: What a hangover. Seriously, my eyeballs hurt from Friday night. What can you expect from an open bar. Well, we hit the road and landed at Lake Viking Saturday around one. Beautiful weather and a nice sun burn today. (Full post coming on the lake).

Sunday: We spent the last full day with our sister before she left for Houston. She will be missed greatly by all in KC. Hopefully she will route herself this direction for the 4th of July. "Bud", if you are reading this, do you mind hooking up the plane ticket?

Monday: Hung out, did some wakeboarding and made the decent back to KC. I hope everyone had a nice safe holiday weekend.

What you can look forward to this week:
- Full post on the lake trip
- The logic behind the name "Kensington High"
- Royals Tracking Network
- Special look into the KC Chiefs
- Semi interesting post on the Astros (this may be a special guest post by one of our brothers - they just don't know it yet.)

See you soon. KH, DB

Friday, May 23, 2008

Love Driving Through Storms

One of our favorits pastimes!


This inspiration came from our brother this morning via email. Party on!

Good Morning Team

Happy Friday. We are heading to Omaha tonight for the wedding. This will be our first trip ever to Omaha, so expect a full post on the experience sometime next week. Everybody Wang-Chung tonight!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Just Throwing it Out There

Miller Lite is our favorite beer of all time. If you have a different choice that you think we should try, please send my way.

Down Go the Celtics

Is this the end of the Irish threesome? I think yes. Better luck next year guys.

Royals Tracking Network

This is a new segment that we will post on every Thursday night. We play kickball on Thursday's so it could get dicey at times. We will try to update before our games for clarity's sake. And we're off....

Rough week for the "Boys in Blue". 0 for 4 in Boston including a no hitter and two grand slams in one game. Really, two in one game? Does anyone know how many times that has happened in history? Over under 8...Our guess is under.

Happy Birthday Joakim Soria! If we were turning 24 and got handed that kind of money, it would probably be a bad thing. But hey, good for the Royals keeping their young talent. It's about time (Johnny Damon, Jermaine Dye).

Being a royals fan is tough indeed. But this is the type of year that brings you back. I mean hell, we are only a half game worse than the Damn Yankees and they spend about 4x what we do.

21-26 going to Toronto for four. Let's bring it home boys. Next week, a special posting on the Houston Astros, our second favorite team in the league.

Keep it classy Kansas City.

Wasting Time, With You

Since this is the re-inception of our blog, we wanted to say hi to all our family and friends that are embarking upon the adventure with us. Most of the items we post will be appropriate, if something offends you, please feel free to drop us a line. Chances are we won't be very receptive.

Our goal here is to entertain you with witty comments, photos and cool links intended to waste your time. Occasionally we will throw up some pics and stories of the good times we've had together; to avoid using that social networking crap, you know.

Please enjoy and comment responsibly. We look forward to many random, fun ideas and conversations together. After you get a feel for the way things work around here, feel free to pass on to other bored internet wanderers.

Rock on Rockers