Thursday, June 19, 2008

Story Time

Is Quick Trip the best gas station in the universe? I say yes. They have great management, the stores are always clean, they have good food and they truly live up to their brand image, a Quick Trip.

A brand new QT opened up directly behind my urban flat (that’s what slick and I call our apartment) this morning at 5:30 a.m. I was determined to be the first customer. I set my alarm for 5:00 a.m. and rolled out about 5:10. I stalked the grand opening from my third floor balcony waiting for the perfect time to pounce.

I slowly crept down to the dumpster assigned to community residents and threw away the trash we had accumulated over the past week. At this time I saw another patron on his way into the QT, probably with the same goal in mind. I made a mad dash to the door and right up to the counter. I pulled out my wallet and said, “I would like one Powerball ticket please (smiling with joy)!” The QT clerk turned to me and said, “Sorry pal, the registers won’t be running for another 45 minutes to an hour. But here are so free drink coupons for when you come back.”

I was crushed as I walked back to my urban flat. My hopes deflating as more and more cars pulled up waiting for the grand opening. I sat down on my couch and admitted defeat. *I still consider myself the Honorary First Customer.

I finally made my first purchase this afternoon at lunch. It is a fine facility that will bring many days of convenience and light hearted conversation with the QT staff.

1 comment:

The A Man said...

I hate Quick Trip, the people who work there think they are so fucking cool. Well I have news for them Walter Cronkite, they're NOT.