Monday, June 30, 2008

And the rockets red glare...

The 4th of July is by far my favorite holiday. Mix it in with a little bit of this and you got yourself a dangerously fun event. Tell me if I'm wrong, but the 4th is the only holiday that never gets overhyped and then lets you down (see New Year's Eve). It is always a good time and the only day you are actually ok with setting your money on fire.

After a beautiful weekend of spending time with family and friends, Slick and I are giving back. Tonight we will be volunteering at a fireworks stand to help generate money for a local charity. *Note - I love fireworks so much that this is not a job for me, this will be entertainment.

I put in for vaca today and landed an extra day off. So looks like Slick and I will be making an early departure for the lake. Should be good times.

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