Friday, June 27, 2008

People, Places and Things I Hate

Do you ever say to yourself, "Man, I just can't stand that F-ing guy" or "If I have to come to this place one more time, I might just F-ing lose it"? Well that seems to happen to me about once a month and I want to hear the things that my readers HATE.

This is how it will work. I will leave the comments section open for each of you to post a comment about a person*, place or thing you hate. I will review the comments each week and on Friday, throw up a "Hate of the Week" post for the hatred I relate to the most.

I will get this week started by saying, I hate the guy that wears the Bluetooth ear piece. I mean, are you really so busy and important that you can't put your damn phone to your ear? You look like a fool.

That felt good. Now, it's your turn. I am seeping with anticipation for your comments.

*Please no first names.
Image: getty images


The A Man said...

I hate work. I work with 5 women and it sounds cool, but it is not. I also hate paying for parking. Did you know that when I worked downtown I had to pay $150/month to FREAKING PARK.

kensington high said...

Thanks a man. Viable hatreds. I look forward to more frustrations from you in the future. I know you hate a lot of things that I can relate to.

The A Man said...

I also hate when you are getting out of an elevator and the people waiting either block the door or try to get in while you are getting out. Doesn't anyone have any elevator courtesy?