Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Next Idea

This idea isn't actually original because I think Slick's mom has said it a few times. But please tell me why homeless people would live in Kansas City. I mean shit. It is cold here for a good portion of the year. Why not walk your happy ass south and get some sun. I mean, what else do you have to do in your spare time? Sit under a cold ass bridge and watch people driving around.

Somebody please help me rationalize this. I mean, it's not like they have family they are staying in town for. If that was the case, they wouldn't be homeless. I just don't get it.


Erik said...

I've heard this from a few places, but I also heard it from Marga, so there is a little credibility to it I guess.

Obviously this isn't a reason to stay in a cold city once they arrive there, but it makes sense why there might be an influx...

Cities that are trying to clean up their image and get rid of homeless people will buy the homeless person a few meals and a bus ticket to another city. I guess there was an influx in homeless in Denver about 20 years ago because all these East coast towns were sending their homeless on buses to Denver. And then they just never left...

kensington high said...

That's an interesting claim ther E. I wonder if there are any facts on this type of thing. I'd say, buy me a damn ticket to Miami.