Saturday, February 28, 2009


Friday, February 27, 2009

Seriously, my mouth is still burning from lunch. Next time I will remember, Medium actually means Flaming Hot.

WTF, Snow

Just as you think it is safe to call it spring, KCTV5 the most shady news station in KC, posts this article today.

Metro Area to See a Snowy Weekend

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lake, Summer - I Miss You

I pulled this pic off Google images. Well, I pull all my pics from Google images. Very few are actually my own. I'm sure that is no shocker to anyone. Anyways, the picture above appears to be taken from the dam at the lake I call home in the summer. How I wish it was summer now. The worst part about my summer is everyone one of my friends is getting married. That takes away precious lake time for this guy. Quite the bummer. They better have some damn good open bars. Speaking of open bars, I would love one of these.

It's Back

The rivalry, that is. It has been taking a nap for the past four years but I am glad to see it awaken. I mean, when the KU/MU football game is the pinnacle of the sports clash, you know something is wrong. That has certainly been fun though. But you can rest assured, after Kansas blew a 14 point lead in the second half on February 9 and Missouri came out with a 62-60 victory, there will be some unhappy birds come Sunday. The best part is, Slick and I will be in attendance. She will be rooting for the Hawks and yours truly will, of course, be rooting for the Tigers.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I hope everyone can make it to church today. I am giving up fast food for lent. This will be good for two reasons:

1. I won't be as fat as I normally would after the next 40 days.
2. I will prove to God I can resist a double cheesburger value meal for a month and a half.


Next Idea

This idea isn't actually original because I think Slick's mom has said it a few times. But please tell me why homeless people would live in Kansas City. I mean shit. It is cold here for a good portion of the year. Why not walk your happy ass south and get some sun. I mean, what else do you have to do in your spare time? Sit under a cold ass bridge and watch people driving around.

Somebody please help me rationalize this. I mean, it's not like they have family they are staying in town for. If that was the case, they wouldn't be homeless. I just don't get it.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I had an Idea

This is my first idea in awhile and I though I should share it with the depleted audience I have left. So here you go.

We had a nice Valentine's Day dinner over at our friends house this weekend. My buddy went and bought 6 nice filets from the local Omaha Steak Store.

This is how I ordered my steak to be cooked:

That is a delicious medium rare.

This is how my steak was prepared:

Thanks for having me over though buddy, I really do appreciate it. I thought you had the "quarter turn" down to a chicken wire science. I guess it is back to the practice field.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Damn Phil

Little bastard saw his shadow. I'm sick of the cold. Ready for the lake.