Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Power of Ike

My little sis (wawa) sent me a link of some unbelievable photos of Ike. These are some of the most compelling photos I have seen of the devastation caused by hurricane Ike.

My brother, A-man, would like everyone to know he still has no power after day 12. The funny thing is that his neighbors across the street do. Sorry bro.

Please, everyone take a look at these photos. I promise you will be impressed.


amyg said...

Those are incredible. I'm thinking of your family. Maybe you guys should all pack up and move to the NEB. :)

The A Man said...

Just FYI, I went home about 2:30 today (the joys of a sales job) and I finally have power. I can't wait to sleep in my bed, watch TV, take a shower with the lights on, charge my cell phone, do laundry, get dressed without a flashlight, etc... Also, if you look at pic #21, you will see the Chase tower aka Houston's Tallest Building. Babo and I used to work on the same street right next to the building with the dome on it. This hit close to home.