Monday, August 4, 2008

Surfin the Wake

I’ve been getting back into the wakeboarding this summer. Now, I’m not good by any means but I have a lot of fun with it. I can do basic jumps, clearing the wake on occasion, and switch riding styles without biting it too hard. I will try to get a pic of me getting some sick air for you all to stare at.

Well, lately I have been seeing other people on the lake with these things they call “wakesurfers”. Basically, you pop up on a board that has no bindings like a surf board, and you just ride about 5 foot off the back of the boat, surfing the wake. It looks like a pretty neat hobby to take up and I am hoping to give it a try before the end of the summer.

Video Demonstration:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its called a wake skate and you would be surprised how how easy it is if you are able to wake board. i have be able to get up on occasion but its pretty badass and fun.