Thursday, August 21, 2008

Lighting Bolt

Ok, one more Olympic post and then I will leave it alone for a bit. Usain Bolt, the Jamaican sprinter won the 200 meter sprint last night, shattering Michael Johnson’s previous record. It was very impressive.

Well, I was listening to 810 sports radio this morning on my way into work, as I do every morning, but Thursday’s they invite ESPN’s Buster Olney on to talk sports. I look forward to this segment every week. This morning’s topic of conversation was Usain Bolt and how his speed translates into “English”. Buster said that a group of NFL analysts mapped out the overall average speed of Bolt’s run in the 200 meter race, it averaged 27.5 mph. That is speeding in a school zone. Secondly, they translated that speed into a 40 yard dash time. You ready for this… 3.55 sec. – Goose bumps are the only words I can gather. The current fastest NFL 40 yard dash is Adrian Peterson, 4.22 sec.

Wouldn’t Bolt look great running a fly pattern opposite Dwayne Bowe?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to see the "calculation" or "Formula" that they used on the 40 because i am pretty sure they substituted x, when y was clearly the correct answer. 15.8% faster than the faster 4.22? Thats a fastass mofo