Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's Been Awhile

Hello readers. Work has consumed all of my blogging time over the past week and for that I apologize. Please enjoy the view.


Friday, August 22, 2008

You Caught That With What?

The story behind this is worth the read.

Who's Hotter Part IV

No I didn't forget. In honor of the Romo feud going on between the two of them, today we battle Jessica vs. Carrie. I look forward to your comments.



Thursday, August 21, 2008

Lighting Bolt

Ok, one more Olympic post and then I will leave it alone for a bit. Usain Bolt, the Jamaican sprinter won the 200 meter sprint last night, shattering Michael Johnson’s previous record. It was very impressive.

Well, I was listening to 810 sports radio this morning on my way into work, as I do every morning, but Thursday’s they invite ESPN’s Buster Olney on to talk sports. I look forward to this segment every week. This morning’s topic of conversation was Usain Bolt and how his speed translates into “English”. Buster said that a group of NFL analysts mapped out the overall average speed of Bolt’s run in the 200 meter race, it averaged 27.5 mph. That is speeding in a school zone. Secondly, they translated that speed into a 40 yard dash time. You ready for this… 3.55 sec. – Goose bumps are the only words I can gather. The current fastest NFL 40 yard dash is Adrian Peterson, 4.22 sec.

Wouldn’t Bolt look great running a fly pattern opposite Dwayne Bowe?


Congratulations ladies on your second consecutive gold medal. Not a single loss in the last two Olympic games. Pretty, damn, impressive. Did any of you happen to catch the match last night? It was pouring rain the entire time and the Americans ended up sweeping the match two games to none. After the victory they ran around and around the stadium, awkwardly hugging everyone from their parents to the stalker in the second row.

I don't know if anyone watched Bob Costas' recap after May and Walsh were interviewed, but he was hilarious. He said, "Well, May and Walsh do it again. Looks like they are going off to find someone else to hug." - He just snuck that right in there. Very subtle, and very nicely done Bob.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Air vs. Water

Quite the predicament I ran into this week – Stay in town and watch this from my balcony or go to the Ozarks and watch this from a nice boat. Yah, I know, pretty tough. Well, I decided to make the trip down to the lake and pass up the air show. With summer winding down, the number of lake weekends are limited. Also, the planes are running their test flights throughout the week, so I will get some good action from my new “winducle” – my new cubicle has a window that faces the downtown airport.


Ok, obviously my last voting question didn't go over too well. Well readers, it's time for you to chime in and get some recognition on the idea comes. I am all ears, or eyes in this case, to any idea you present. Leave an idea in the comments section or drop me an email of something you think others would enjoy casting a vote on. If you don't come up with anything interesting, it will be Obama vs. McCain. And we all know who will win that vote.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Missing Smokey Joe

So I’m at the Chiefs game this weekend with a few of my good friends. We did a little grilling on my “Smokey Joe” Webber before going into the game. We cooked some brats, hot dogs and Papa Murphy’s pizza (delicious). With my coals still hot, I scooted the grill close to my car and left it there to cool while we went into the game.

Seeing that it is preseason, halftime hits and we are ready to go. So we venture back out to the car and I look down in astonishment… My grill had disappeared! Some, ASSHOLE, stole it. And my neighbors charcoal. Well, my grill had a very distinct marking on it and if I see someone with it, we will have problems. That just pissed me off. I mean really, who steals a grill. I will find you grill thief, yes, I will find you.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Who's Hotter Part III

Keep the tradition alive. Happy Friday.

Maria Sharapova


Anna Kournikova

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Busy Again

Sorry everyone, I hope this helps.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Night Cap Anyone...

This is Olympic Silver Medalist, Alicia Sacramone. Don't worry, she is 20 years old.

Porn Star, Boat, Big Muscle

So this past weekend was rather enjoyable. I don't think I have laughed so hard in years. But it was one of those situations, that no matter what anyone said, it was funny. You know what I mean?

Quick Story:
My buddy "B-Russ" came in from St. Louis to join us for the weekend. Mid day Saturday, my brother comes walking up on the deck looking like this...

B-Russ declares, "you look like a f-ing porn star". So for the remainder of the weekend he was the porn star.

Then, we found this in the lake and the star we call A-man said he would eat it. He wimped out.

That's a big muscle. Lot of meat.

Finally, the boat where I learned to drive. We rode around all weekend with 4 wakeboards on the tower. We really made it look like we knew what we were doing. As you can see, we were right.

Thank You Voters, Let's Vote Again

So the general consensus is that the Chiefs will win 6-10 games this season and most likely miss the playoffs. Thanks everyone (11) who casted a vote. I hoping to reach 15 votes on my next poll.

That being said, let me pose a new question to you. How long do you think Brodie Croyle will last? Do you think his offensive line will sacrifice him in the first 3 games or will he make it all the way through the season injury free? Will he choke it up and be replaced by Thigpen, or will he rise to the occasion and make D-Bowe the best receiver in the league?

Please take a minute to gather your thoughts and play out all the possible scenarios. Now, Vote.

Poll credit to: TNova

Boardin The Wake

I could be the best wake boarder since these guys (I'm going for number 5 by the end of the summer). No really, that's about the extent of my skills. I have a few more lake posts coming today. Starting with the "Porn Star Post", don't worry, it's not what you think. I will follow up with a few other random thoughts and conclusions.

Thanks Slick for the steady hand on the video.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Just effen Busy

Remember this post? Well it happened last Wednesday and there just hasn't been that much time to express my thoughts here. It's really boggin me down. This is a good release during the day. And not just for me, for all of you great readers out there that have supported me since May. Well, enjoy above and you may want to look into this.

Monday, August 11, 2008

OK, I Lied

Today was a lot busier that I originally anticipated. I will do some after hours work this evening and have a nice little show for everyone tomorrow. For now, enjoy the scenery.

Is that nipple? Naw...

No, I haven't Forgot About You

I am just busy. Enjoy that until after lunch. I will come back with a post about the weekend, some pics, and a video of yours truly on the wakeboard.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Everyone Likes to Share

Kickball Relived

That's KH about to knock one out of the park.

How Sweet It Is

What's that you say? It's not Friday for you. Man that sucks! It's Friday for me, and I am burning out this bitch. Well, in about four hours I'm burning out. Until then, enjoy your Friday, or I meant, Thursday.

Time, There's Never Any Time!

I am too busy today. It's gonna be slow folks.

I'll see if I can sneak a few in without anyone noticing.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Who's Hotter Part II

Since I will be out this Friday at the lake, with my bro A-man coming in from H-Town, I decided to go ahead and put up a new "Who's Hotter" on this wonderful Wednesday. Today we feature two Victoria Secret models, one blonde and one brunette.

Marissa Miller vs. Adrianna Lima

Please leave your response in the comments section. I will get us started.

Oh, So Sweet

My Google Analytics just informed me that after a solid day of page views yesterday, I have reached the 1,000 views mark. I am actually up to 1,033 today. Thank you readers for helping me reach my goal. It only took 3 months and 117 posts. May we have many more random ideas together in the future.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Babo is a Gangsta

Everyone say hello to my step bro Babo. I'm sure you remember him from such posts as "Babo, Prom, Priceless Pic" and "Babo Laying the Mack Down".

Babo is featured here in a new line from Armani's Gangsta Collection. The ice is provided by Paul Wall Entertainment Inc. and he is drinking a bottle of Absinthe. Holla Babs, holla.

Damn I Wish My Car Wasn't Jacked

There was a time when I rolled in my white knight feeling like this:

Now I feel like this:

I can only hope it will be fixed with minimal costs. I have a bad feeling though.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Surfin the Wake

I’ve been getting back into the wakeboarding this summer. Now, I’m not good by any means but I have a lot of fun with it. I can do basic jumps, clearing the wake on occasion, and switch riding styles without biting it too hard. I will try to get a pic of me getting some sick air for you all to stare at.

Well, lately I have been seeing other people on the lake with these things they call “wakesurfers”. Basically, you pop up on a board that has no bindings like a surf board, and you just ride about 5 foot off the back of the boat, surfing the wake. It looks like a pretty neat hobby to take up and I am hoping to give it a try before the end of the summer.

Video Demonstration:

Good Morning Monday

My day started off nicely, I left my keys in Slick's car and had to ask her to leave work to deliver them to me. Thanks babe. We had a good weekend up at the lake. It was too damn hot to do any fishing, so that meant a lot of beer drinking.

Very unsettling news upon my return. Yup, we're fucked. Go ahead and adjust your forecasted wins in the voting section. On the brighter side, the Royals are finally sticking up for themselves.

Did everyone forget to leave a comment or did you just forget to check out this great post on Friday?

Friday, August 1, 2008

Last Post

How f-ing sweet is that dock. Mine is no where close to that but I will be enjoying it all weekend in pursuit of one of these. Oops, I meant one of these.

Who's Hotter Part I

This fun little contest will begin taking place every Friday. No answer required, simply a thought provoking excersise. But please, feel free to drop a comment.

This Friday it is Shakira vs. Beyonce

This Is Great

The sheer joy of this story could bring tears to your eyes.

Friday Fun Day

What is there not to like about Friday's? I mean, you get to wear jeans to work, or if your in advertising, cargo shorts and flip flops, you get to hit up the comany keg at 4:00 and you get to stay out as late as you want.

Friday is the day that Smokey took a sh*t, the day that high school football games are played and the day that everyone, even that guy that never says hi in the hallway, is in a good mood.

Friday is the day that you can stay up past your bed time, "forget" to brush your teeth before you go to bed and spend money that you otherwise would have saved.

With that said, I wish all my readers a happy Friday. I was kidding about that brushing your teeth thing, that's digusting.

Oh, and happy August. It's f-ing hot!

Your Kansas City Chiefs

To add to the growing excitement of the coming NFL season, I invite you to take part in a little forecast session. Please take a look in the right column and cast your vote on how many wins you think the Chiefs will have this season. Feel free to leave a comment on what you think about this years squad and what their potential for success may be. I think they will go 9-7 and miss the playoffs. On a side note, the donkeys suck!