Monday, June 30, 2008

And the rockets red glare...

The 4th of July is by far my favorite holiday. Mix it in with a little bit of this and you got yourself a dangerously fun event. Tell me if I'm wrong, but the 4th is the only holiday that never gets overhyped and then lets you down (see New Year's Eve). It is always a good time and the only day you are actually ok with setting your money on fire.

After a beautiful weekend of spending time with family and friends, Slick and I are giving back. Tonight we will be volunteering at a fireworks stand to help generate money for a local charity. *Note - I love fireworks so much that this is not a job for me, this will be entertainment.

I put in for vaca today and landed an extra day off. So looks like Slick and I will be making an early departure for the lake. Should be good times.

Weekend Summary

Well, this pretty much sums up the weekend. Thanks Untitled for the inspiration.

Picture Time

In this Picture: Kensington & Slick

happy monday team

That was quite the weekend. I am going to need a few hours to wake up and get going before I have a meaning post.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Checkin Out

I'm burnin' this biotch. Everyone have a great weekend. We will reconvene Monday.

Party Safe, Party Hard, Party On

People, Places and Things I Hate

Do you ever say to yourself, "Man, I just can't stand that F-ing guy" or "If I have to come to this place one more time, I might just F-ing lose it"? Well that seems to happen to me about once a month and I want to hear the things that my readers HATE.

This is how it will work. I will leave the comments section open for each of you to post a comment about a person*, place or thing you hate. I will review the comments each week and on Friday, throw up a "Hate of the Week" post for the hatred I relate to the most.

I will get this week started by saying, I hate the guy that wears the Bluetooth ear piece. I mean, are you really so busy and important that you can't put your damn phone to your ear? You look like a fool.

That felt good. Now, it's your turn. I am seeping with anticipation for your comments.

*Please no first names.
Image: getty images

Face Ties the Knot

WOW is right. The festivities begin tonight with the rehersal dinner and after party. The groom's men are hitting the links bright and early tomorrow. I haven't had much time to work on my swing the last couple weeks so hopefully my drive straightened itself out during my time off. Chances are I still have a wicked slice and should pick this up at Barnes and Noble soon.

The wedding starts at 6:30 and should go to the waining hours of the night. I am thoroughly excited and wish my good friend the best. I will be throwing up a few photos of the celebration come Monday.

I-70 Series Part Deux

The Cardinals better watch themselves before they cross I-70 to play the Royals in a three game set this weekend. If they're not careful, they might get run over. The Royals broke out the brooms last week after a sweep in the STL. Nelly was in quite the Dilemma last week after that beat down.

The Cardinals are bringing the Fort Osage slugger with them on this trip and that could be dangerous. Expect a full recap of this weekends events on Monday.

I love that I'm a Bearcat

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thank You Altoids

Your Tangerine Sour product is absolutely amazing. It truly brings happiness to my day. I can't wait to taste your friends raspberry and apple.

Gisele Wins

That wasn't even close. I will put together a more competitive match later this afternoon for your voting pleasure. Thanks to eveyone who participated. Screw you to the ones who didn't.

Royals Make ESPN

Yes it is that rare that I posting on it. For the first time in my memory, which is pretty darn good, the Royals have meade ESPN's MLB home page as the feature. Everyone please take a moment of silence for the fact that New York and Boston were excluded today. ....... OK, that was rough. The Royals continue to roll over the National League teams with a sweep last night of the 2007 NL champs. They have moved out of last place and only seven games back of the first place White Sox. They move into a three game set tomorrow with the hated St. Louis Cardinals who suffered three losses at the hands of the Royals last week.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It Could Always Be Worse

When you get down on yourself after a long day on the job, don't fret, you could be doing one of these jobs.

It's a Beautiful Day

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dream Team 2008

This could be the most important Olympic Games for the U.S. men’s team since, well, ever. We blew it with a bronze in the 2004 Athens Olympics, which was the first time the United States has not won gold since professionals were allowed to compete at the 1992 Barcelona Games. It is imperative that we win and take back dominance of the growing multinational sport. With that said, I’m really not that impressed with the 2008 team. Take a look at the 12 players chosen to participate in this summer’s games:

Lebron James
Kobe Bryant
Dwayne Wade
Carmello Anthony
Jason Kidd
Tayshaun Prince
Carlos Boozer
Chris Bosh
Dwight Howard
Chris Paul
Michael Redd
Derron Williams

I don’t know if my lack of intrigue is derived from my youth and experiencing the original Dream Team or if I just can’t imagine Kobe, Lebron, Melo and CP3 sharing the rock with each other. I could be totally wrong and I hope I am. All I’m saying is that our country needs this gold medal. With economic times the way they are and the negative perception of America as a whole, we need this for our own self worth.

I left the roster listing of the 1992 Dream Team in the comments section. If you ask me, 1992 would kick 2008’s ass on the court. I will leave the comments section open for discussion.

It Tastes Like Sh*t

I'm sure we have all seen the video but just in case, here is Shaq throwin it down all in Kobe Bryant's face. It's almost not even right but very, very entertaining.


Well, as a Chiefs fan I just don't know if I can get used to seeing Jared Allen in a Vikings uniform. He will be missed dearly by many in Kansas City. I know Scooter liked to take his lady friends to JA's restaraunt and Wine Em', Dine Em', and 69 Em'. Sorry Scoot, you will have to settle for 45 Madison.

I am happy for Jared. He is the highest paid defensive player in the NFL and I feel he deserves it. Hopefully he stays sober and doesn't lose it all. I invite everyone to read a good article on the former KC god.

I'm starting to get back in the groove here. Just bear with me and good things will come. I have a few videos I am going to post after lunch.


Don't Forget to Cast Your Ballot

Only one day left to vote on your favorite.

Blogger's Block

Well this weekend just took it out of me. I didn't blog all day yesterday and have yet to come up with anything interesting to say. Damn you Lake of the Ozarks for taking my ability to think. Please feel free to drop a comment below if you have any suggestions of what I can give my opinion on.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Friday

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to the lake I go.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Ball May Not Be Kicked Today

Story Time

Is Quick Trip the best gas station in the universe? I say yes. They have great management, the stores are always clean, they have good food and they truly live up to their brand image, a Quick Trip.

A brand new QT opened up directly behind my urban flat (that’s what slick and I call our apartment) this morning at 5:30 a.m. I was determined to be the first customer. I set my alarm for 5:00 a.m. and rolled out about 5:10. I stalked the grand opening from my third floor balcony waiting for the perfect time to pounce.

I slowly crept down to the dumpster assigned to community residents and threw away the trash we had accumulated over the past week. At this time I saw another patron on his way into the QT, probably with the same goal in mind. I made a mad dash to the door and right up to the counter. I pulled out my wallet and said, “I would like one Powerball ticket please (smiling with joy)!” The QT clerk turned to me and said, “Sorry pal, the registers won’t be running for another 45 minutes to an hour. But here are so free drink coupons for when you come back.”

I was crushed as I walked back to my urban flat. My hopes deflating as more and more cars pulled up waiting for the grand opening. I sat down on my couch and admitted defeat. *I still consider myself the Honorary First Customer.

I finally made my first purchase this afternoon at lunch. It is a fine facility that will bring many days of convenience and light hearted conversation with the QT staff.

Thank you Scooter for being so gracious and lending me your coveted copy of Lost, Season One. My favorite blog, the big lead, talks the show up on a weekly basis. Not to mention Evangeline Lilly! Thank you Scooter.

Would This Make It Hard To Pee?

(click photo to enlarge)

Big Win

The BR softball team took home the W last night in an 11-5 victory of storied rivals NK. We have a pretty solid team this year and I think we have the potential to make a run for the championship.

Kickball is on tonight with a double header. It will be a long night for Kensington. Playoffs are next week so we need to iron out all the wrinkles in our offense tonight.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Moon

Ahh, the dog days of summer. Well you are in for a treat tonight. Keep your eyes to the sky as we experience the full moon of the summer solstice. And, keep this article in mind as you are viewing. The moon can be tricky.

Time to Vote

Will everyone please take a minute and review the two slide shows listed below.



Now please decide which slideshow you enjoyed more and cast your vote in the right hand column. I will refrain from revealing my favorite but will cast a vote.


Because the A-Man Asked For It

A-Man claims mixing a little Polar Bear Vodka and Diet 7up makes for a tasty combo. I will have to give it a try sometime. I am still waiting on my absinthe from Austin. Maybe the 4th of July will bring it to me.

Early Adopter?

Note to my sister, who we like to call "Wawa": If I do indeed buy the new Sprint Instinct, does that make me an early adopter? Or would I still be considered late majority? Please leave your response in the comments section.

Just Throwing it Out There

I threw it out awhile back on my favorite beer. Well today my friends, I post for the love of my favorite liquor. Two olives and a splash of water and it can't be beat.

It's Been Awhile

I would like to begin this post by apologizing for my lack of posts lately. I feel that I have offended my readers and inherently let you down. Well, I just want to say, I am back baby!

So Sprint is rolling out their new phone, the instinct, at the retail price of…. $129.99. Will this be the iPhone killer everyone talks about?

It turns out I was all wrong about the Boston Celtics. They really put the hurt on L.A. last night. How great is it to be a Boston sports fan these days. Jealousy doesn’t even begin to describe my feelings.

I am going to the Lake of the Ozarks this weekend for a bachelor party. It should be an interesting trip.

Looks like Babo is getting his rims this week. He is so gangsta.

Excited about a few posts coming up shortly. Until next time, keep it classy.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Growing Problem

I went and got fitted for a tux last night for Face’s wedding on the 28th. Let’s just say I have tacked on a couple over the years. I am thinking about an extensive workout regimen starting Monday.

The next couple days should be rather post heavy. I am going to be spending a lot of time by myself in a hotel room in Wisconsin.Everybody Wang Chung Tonight.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Check Engine

Babo, don't deny the deeds you have done.

Babo, sittin fat down south!

Our last post was out of sympathy. This one is along the lines of "REALLY..." I mean, those rims are just Gangsta and only Babo would ride that dirty.

Running on Flats!

Burt, we feel for you brother.

Monday Morning Mix-up!

Hey readers, sorry about the slow week last week. I was extremely busy with that thing we call work. I should have some free time this week at night as I will be traveling to Sussex, WI for a press check. Feel free to leave a message in the comments section if you would like to discuss.

Crazy weather lately. How about that pic above....

I had a great weekend! And looking forward to the coming weekend for the following reasons.

My fellow blogger, Scooter, finally hit 1,000 visitors. That means a comment section for Kensington High! Yes, I am looking forward to it. By the way scoot, big fan of your #1!

I experienced one of the best arm wrestling matches this weekend since sly in Over the Top. My buddy “Ship-Dawg” – 6’4”, 260lbs. – took down a St. Louis native and put the KC boys on top for the rest of the weekend. I am still upset with myself that I didn’t get it on film.

The Royals, still suck! And I swear, a Chiefs post is coming this week.

Have a Happy Monday my friends.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

This is for Scooter

evangeline lilly

Holy...Fill in the Blank

You have to see this.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday Morning Mix-up!

Good morning viewers. How was everyone’s weekend? I had a lot of fun with “slick” this weekend. We got to do so much needed relaxing as well as some much needed partying. We are off to St. Louis this weekend to visit an old college buddy who we will call “BriRuss”.

The Royals snapped their losing streak at a dozen and have now won two in a row. Do I smell a winning streak?

I am really hoping I will have enough time this week to do a post on my Chiefs. I have been wanting to do one for about a week now.

Did you guys hear about that Universal Studios fire? How does that happen?

Houston got a new skate park and I think Burt Jr. is pretty excited!

Have a wonderful Monday. We are going to be pretty busy today but will try to throw up as many posts as possible.