Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday Morning Mix-up!

Hey readers, sorry about the slow week last week. I was extremely busy with that thing we call work. I should have some free time this week at night as I will be traveling to Sussex, WI for a press check. Feel free to leave a message in the comments section if you would like to discuss.

Crazy weather lately. How about that pic above....

I had a great weekend! And looking forward to the coming weekend for the following reasons.

My fellow blogger, Scooter, finally hit 1,000 visitors. That means a comment section for Kensington High! Yes, I am looking forward to it. By the way scoot, big fan of your #1!

I experienced one of the best arm wrestling matches this weekend since sly in Over the Top. My buddy “Ship-Dawg” – 6’4”, 260lbs. – took down a St. Louis native and put the KC boys on top for the rest of the weekend. I am still upset with myself that I didn’t get it on film.

The Royals, still suck! And I swear, a Chiefs post is coming this week.

Have a Happy Monday my friends.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kensington High I am glad you enjoyed #1. That took some thought! And you're welcome for the comment section! BE NICE! And, in honor of JR, write something dirty about women!