Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's Been Awhile

I would like to begin this post by apologizing for my lack of posts lately. I feel that I have offended my readers and inherently let you down. Well, I just want to say, I am back baby!

So Sprint is rolling out their new phone, the instinct, at the retail price of…. $129.99. Will this be the iPhone killer everyone talks about?

It turns out I was all wrong about the Boston Celtics. They really put the hurt on L.A. last night. How great is it to be a Boston sports fan these days. Jealousy doesn’t even begin to describe my feelings.

I am going to the Lake of the Ozarks this weekend for a bachelor party. It should be an interesting trip.

Looks like Babo is getting his rims this week. He is so gangsta.

Excited about a few posts coming up shortly. Until next time, keep it classy.

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