Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Fall of Blu Ray

I've personally been saying it for about the past year, ever since HD-DVD failed to prosper, that Blu Ray has a limited life expectancy. There are just too many online/on-demand portals delivering High Definition viewing. You can write this down, DVD's in general, will be extinct in five years, if not sooner. And I am not opposed to that one bit.

Live streaming HD is hard to beat. Just ask anyone that has an Xbox 360, Apple TV or any other set top box. The quality is top-notch and you don't have to leave your couch. Blockbuster should have listened to the smart people at Enron when they said to move towards on-demand viewing in 1998. The other group that really missed the mark is cable companies. They were the first ones to roll out video-on-demand. They just couldn't capture the mass like the other media companies are currently doing.

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