Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I Have a Blog?

You could have fooled me. I'm not going to lie, I completely forgot I even posted stuff to this online forum. I dawned on me last night. I'll end that thought with my new favorite song.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Big Day, Barry

Congratulations to our new president. Hopefully he spends less than Bush did during his reign as CEO of our nation.

Friday, January 16, 2009

You Sound Like Your From London

I miss this place. A lot of fond memories.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Next Phone

This is Palm's latest creation and will be hitting stores the first half of 2009. Rest assured that I will be buying it. It is Sprint's solution to the iPhone and may be better than the iPhone. Sprint users rejoice!

In depth article about the pre.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Chiefs Hire GM

He's ugly but I'll take em. Now on to a new coach.

Not Everyone Likes the Longhorns

This video stems from the Ohio State loss in the Fiesta Bowl last week.

Lil Wayne

Yes he was very good in concert. He rocked the Sprint Center for about 5 hours. Did you know that lil wayne is the narrater of this mysterious Gatorade spot?

American Idol 2009

Hopefully the 2009 American Idol will produce the same great videos as the one below. The reaction in the video is similar to how slick reacted when I accidentally didn't record the ending of last year's competition. When Ryan Seacrest said the winner is.....David....that was the end of our DVR. Slick was not happy with me. It still makes me giggle to this day.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Getting Closer

Lil weezy going to tear it up tonight!


Thursday, January 8, 2009


If you need to find me tomorrow, I'll be at the Sprint Center with lil w-iz-ayne!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Boat Show Baby!

The boat show has rolled into KC this week and I will be attending tonight. If all goes well we will be starting the ’09 lake season in the 23”2’ beauty pictured above.

Funny story. My step-dad, we’ll call him “Brockness”, has been toying with the idea of getting a new baby for the lake. Our darling is pushing 10 years of age and it’s about time for an update. I, being the sneaky bastard I am, signed him up for collateral material from three main boat manufacturers in the Midwest. He has been getting hit with new boat messaging all winter. I’ll let you know if it worked.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Downtown Grocery!

If you live anywhere west of Pittsburgh and land a grocery store downtown, it is just plain exciting. Well KC, today is your day to jump for joy.

Cosentino's opens downtown KC.

That's right E, in the Power & Light District.

Heck, while I'm at it, I may as well mention that we are a top 5 destination to watch for in 2009 according to SmarterTravel.com

Another Reason

This article just reinforces my previous post and is the next TV I will purchase sometime down the road.

The Fall of Blu Ray

I've personally been saying it for about the past year, ever since HD-DVD failed to prosper, that Blu Ray has a limited life expectancy. There are just too many online/on-demand portals delivering High Definition viewing. You can write this down, DVD's in general, will be extinct in five years, if not sooner. And I am not opposed to that one bit.

Live streaming HD is hard to beat. Just ask anyone that has an Xbox 360, Apple TV or any other set top box. The quality is top-notch and you don't have to leave your couch. Blockbuster should have listened to the smart people at Enron when they said to move towards on-demand viewing in 1998. The other group that really missed the mark is cable companies. They were the first ones to roll out video-on-demand. They just couldn't capture the mass like the other media companies are currently doing.

Lil Wayne

Just signed up for the company suite tickets for the lil wayne concert. I don't want to jinx myself but I have been known to win the suite tickets on the regular. Lil WAAAAAAAYYYYYYYNNNNNEEEE!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Big Game

Quite the game this evening. Not only is it a chance for the Big 12 to reign superior over the Big 10, but it is a chance for Texas to secure a split national title with the winner Thursday.

If Oklahoma were to pick up a sloppy victory over Florida and Texas dominates Ohio State the way they are capable of, this might actually happen. Maybe then, my sister "wawa" will be a happy camper again.

Go UT! Beat those nailbreakers! <----First commenter post for the person that correctly identifies the movie and actor that last line came from.

Welcome Back

That was a nice long vacation if I do say so myself (no I didn't relax on a beach - just my sofa). I know some of you had to work a bit more than I but anything helps right?

I had a fun break getting to hang out with all the siblings. A-man had enough after a week but Slick and I convinced Babo to stay in town a few extra days and blow off all his responsibilities in H-town. Didn't take much arm twisting. We had a good time. I'll try to throw up some new year's pics later this week.

I was fortunate enough to kill a goose or two this break. Ok, it was one and split the kill by 4. Pretty bad shooting that day, but fun.

Welcome back to work everyone. I vow to make 2009 a blog heavy year. Hope you all enjoy.

Things to look forward to:

- First ever commenter post (coming soon)

- Weekly KC Sports report

- Remember "Who's Hotter"? I'm bringing it back.

- And much, much more!