Friday, April 3, 2009

Tonight, We Go To Vegas!

Slick and Family, as well as yours truly, will be on a plane to Vegas this evening. The trip is to celebrate slick's little sis' birthday. In honor of her 21st I will anoint her with a blog name, from this point forward, her name shall be "slack".

In vegas, I plan on placing a bet on two things:

- Chiefs winning the West
- Royals winning the Central

That will give me a little extra motivation to root my teams into the playoffs. Can you imagine a playoff game at the K? I can't, the last time it happened I was barely able to walk.

Did I mention I was going to Vegas tonight?


Jillian said...


Erik said...

Remember... $100 on the Donkeys for me.

T-Nova said...

When we were there last week the Chiefs weren't even listed on the board (the only team not listed as far as I could tell). Royals weren't the worst odds, believe it or not!

Have a great time!