Monday, January 5, 2009

Welcome Back

That was a nice long vacation if I do say so myself (no I didn't relax on a beach - just my sofa). I know some of you had to work a bit more than I but anything helps right?

I had a fun break getting to hang out with all the siblings. A-man had enough after a week but Slick and I convinced Babo to stay in town a few extra days and blow off all his responsibilities in H-town. Didn't take much arm twisting. We had a good time. I'll try to throw up some new year's pics later this week.

I was fortunate enough to kill a goose or two this break. Ok, it was one and split the kill by 4. Pretty bad shooting that day, but fun.

Welcome back to work everyone. I vow to make 2009 a blog heavy year. Hope you all enjoy.

Things to look forward to:

- First ever commenter post (coming soon)

- Weekly KC Sports report

- Remember "Who's Hotter"? I'm bringing it back.

- And much, much more!

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