Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Porn Star, Boat, Big Muscle

So this past weekend was rather enjoyable. I don't think I have laughed so hard in years. But it was one of those situations, that no matter what anyone said, it was funny. You know what I mean?

Quick Story:
My buddy "B-Russ" came in from St. Louis to join us for the weekend. Mid day Saturday, my brother comes walking up on the deck looking like this...

B-Russ declares, "you look like a f-ing porn star". So for the remainder of the weekend he was the porn star.

Then, we found this in the lake and the star we call A-man said he would eat it. He wimped out.

That's a big muscle. Lot of meat.

Finally, the boat where I learned to drive. We rode around all weekend with 4 wakeboards on the tower. We really made it look like we knew what we were doing. As you can see, we were right.

1 comment:

The A Man said...

Best post of the year. Classic Weekend. Further more, I think BC will play about 12 games.