Monday, August 18, 2008

Missing Smokey Joe

So I’m at the Chiefs game this weekend with a few of my good friends. We did a little grilling on my “Smokey Joe” Webber before going into the game. We cooked some brats, hot dogs and Papa Murphy’s pizza (delicious). With my coals still hot, I scooted the grill close to my car and left it there to cool while we went into the game.

Seeing that it is preseason, halftime hits and we are ready to go. So we venture back out to the car and I look down in astonishment… My grill had disappeared! Some, ASSHOLE, stole it. And my neighbors charcoal. Well, my grill had a very distinct marking on it and if I see someone with it, we will have problems. That just pissed me off. I mean really, who steals a grill. I will find you grill thief, yes, I will find you.


Erik said...
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Erik said...

Nothing better then some Papa Murphy's on the BBQ.

The A Man said...

You can cook pizza on a grill?