Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday Fun Day

What is there not to like about Friday's? I mean, you get to wear jeans to work, or if your in advertising, cargo shorts and flip flops, you get to hit up the comany keg at 4:00 and you get to stay out as late as you want.

Friday is the day that Smokey took a sh*t, the day that high school football games are played and the day that everyone, even that guy that never says hi in the hallway, is in a good mood.

Friday is the day that you can stay up past your bed time, "forget" to brush your teeth before you go to bed and spend money that you otherwise would have saved.

With that said, I wish all my readers a happy Friday. I was kidding about that brushing your teeth thing, that's digusting.

Oh, and happy August. It's f-ing hot!

1 comment:

The A Man said...

That is a great post. I can't wait to read it again on Wednesday... my last day of work for the week.