Wednesday, May 28, 2008


For all you inexperienced bloggers, if you see an underlined statement like this , it is a hyperlink. CLICK IT! It will take you to various destinations like a website, a photo like this, (she's got nothin on "slick") a video like this or this (sorry MU fans), or an old post from TIC (the idea comes) like this one.

I hope this teaches all "TIC" readers a valuable lesson. Links are an important element of this broadcast. The links inspire and reinforce the message. If you have questions or concerns, please, leave a comment.

Much Love,



The A Man said...

That Bo Jackson commercial is classic. But please, no more ku posts. No one cares about that shit.

kensington high said...

Sorry A-man. That will be the last KU post you will see for quite some time.

And remember, just like Bo knows, Kensington knows.