Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Kate

Happy birthday to little katy-wawa. All grown up and 22!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Vegas Return

This picture does a pretty good job of illustrating how I feel after the Vegas trip. Other than being completely exhausted, the trip was a success.

Slack got so smashed, 2 of the 4 nights she slept on the floor. I was proud of the youngster. Slick and I had fun showing her how to do it right. We each had our own night of debauchery to brag about. Mine happened to be the last night we were there and I managed to pass out at 10:30 p.m. Pretty weak way to finish the trip.

I did pretty good on the gambling front. I won all three of my final 4 bets, won $100 on slots, only lost $60 on black jack and then hit 4 of 6 horse’s on my last day there. I was pretty pumped.

The grand total of my 4 nights in Vegas was $342.50. And $60.00 of that is in outstanding bets that I put on the Royals to win the central. Odds on Sunday, when I placed my bet were 8 to 1. So I will win $480 if it comes to fruition. Monday, when I placed the bet for my buddy, ship-diggity-dog, the odds were 11 to 1. So if the Royals win the central he will make $440. I should have waited a day. Oh well, if there is a playoff game at the K this year, the $480 will be a consolation prize.

Grade for Vegas Trip 2009 = A-

Friday, April 3, 2009

Tonight, We Go To Vegas!

Slick and Family, as well as yours truly, will be on a plane to Vegas this evening. The trip is to celebrate slick's little sis' birthday. In honor of her 21st I will anoint her with a blog name, from this point forward, her name shall be "slack".

In vegas, I plan on placing a bet on two things:

- Chiefs winning the West
- Royals winning the Central

That will give me a little extra motivation to root my teams into the playoffs. Can you imagine a playoff game at the K? I can't, the last time it happened I was barely able to walk.

Did I mention I was going to Vegas tonight?