Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Looks Like it Was the Democrats

The Power of Ike Part Deux

At least the fishing was good during the hurricane. I feel the those fish are trying to tell me something.
Thanks A-dub for the pic

Monday, September 29, 2008


I scored a pair of Versace sunglasses (SEE ABOVE PHOTO) this weekend and have to say I am pretty excited about it. Slick's step dad did a little snorkeling off the coast of Baja while on a cruise in early September. He stumbled upon the sunglasses sitting at the bottom of the ocean and kindly gave them to me yesterday.

I did a little research this afternoon and they are definitely worth $215.00. Sweet! I guarantee there is some pissed off European wishing he had these sweet shades back in his possession.

Yes, Yes, Yes!

The Chiefs finally made our city proud this weekend by beating the hated Denver Donkey's 33-19 at Arrowhead Stadium. The Chiefs were nine point under dogs coming into Sunday's match-up but proved that any given Sunday can come true. The Chiefs snapped a 12 game losing streak that began in October of 2007. They showed heart, dedication and a rejuvinated running game (which makes me happy because LJ put up 30 in fantasy for me this week).

Congrats on your first win this season boys. Let's keep it rolling next week against Carolina.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

George Brett Did What?

This could be the funniest thing I have seen in years. I promise you will laugh out loud. If you are at work, wear your headphones.

Click Here

Thanks T-Nova for the link.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Power of Ike

My little sis (wawa) sent me a link of some unbelievable photos of Ike. These are some of the most compelling photos I have seen of the devastation caused by hurricane Ike.

My brother, A-man, would like everyone to know he still has no power after day 12. The funny thing is that his neighbors across the street do. Sorry bro.

Please, everyone take a look at these photos. I promise you will be impressed.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Found this site today. Pretty sweet.

Thank You A-Dub

Picture compliments of a co-worker.
click picture to enlarge

The Countdown Begins

The countdown to the Second Annual Farm Party has begun. We are only 11 days out and I am getting excited. For those of you unfamiliar with the First Annual Farm Party, I’ll tell you a little about it. It was a gathering of 12 friends and one stepbrother. My grandparents were gracious enough to lend me their land and house for one special evening. We bought one keg and finished it in 6 hours. We built a bonfire that “required” 10 gallons of diesel fuel and burned for three days. We played yard games and cards till the early morning hours. This year’s party is set to be even better. We have double the friends, food and booze all on the docket. If you have not received your invite, please email me, if you have not responded to your invite, please do so.

Day 11 and Counting

Day 11 refers to how long my family has gone without power in Houston. Can you imagine 11 days without power? Here is a good article that talks about the number of people still without power and the situation surrounding the restoration. And the worst part of it all, they still have no idea when it will be turned back on. I feel for you guys. Hang in there, or come to KC and you can enjoy TV and AC at my place.

New Movie

I saw the previews for this as I was ironing my shirt this morning. Looks pretty entertaining.

Monday, September 22, 2008

I've Been Preoccupied

I'm getting ready for a good week of blogging. Reading up on current events and coming up with new ideas. It should be a good week for my reader(s).

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hunker Down

For all my readers and family in the Houston area, my prayers are with you. It's time to "hunker down". I hope the power doesn't go out for more than a few days. For everyone else, have a nice, safe weekend.

Fast Fact

I came across this bit of information in my 2008 Kansas City Chiefs Fan Guide. Thank you T-nova for hooking me up.

Arrowhead is known to be the “Loudest Stadium in the NFL,” which gives us a great home-field advantage. According to the Acoustical Design Group, Inc. of Mission, Kansas, the following is how the Chiefs rank in maximum sound levels, dBA:

- Threshold of pain – 130
- Arrowhead Stadium – 116
- 727 landing overhead – 106

We are some loud fans here in KC. Go Chiefs.

Red Friday

Ah yes, another Red Friday has come to Kansas City. I can almost smell the parking lot at Arrowhead now. 80,000 rowdy Chiefs fans ready to pound the hated Oakland Raiders. Everyone cooking brats and burgers, smoking brisket, cracking beers and listening to the 101 the Fox and the distinctive voice of Mitch Holthus. This is a good day for all Kansas City Chiefs fan. The only thing that can make a victory over Oakland this weekend better, would be to couple it with a Denver Donkey loss.

Here's to the Home of the Chiefs!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Not sure what it is but I enjoy this song. Please don't judge.
Thank you Pandora for the variety.

Bringing it Back

I know the posts have been pretty slow around here lately and for that I apologize. This picture is in honor of Scooter and his unyeilding love for her. By the way Scoot, nice post.

22-Year-Old Auctioning Off Her Virginity

Thanks A-man for the link. Below is a story from US Magazine. This is pretty ridiculous. Trying to raise a million dollars? Seems a little far fetched to me. 100k if she's lucky.

Going once....

A Sacramento State grad is putting her virginity on the auction block to help pay for her studies.

"I don't think auctioning my virginity will solve all my problems, but it will create some financial stability," the 22-year-old (who uses the pseudonym "Natalie Dylan") says on tonight's The Insider. "I'm ready for the controversy ... I'm ready to do this."

Dylan says she's already taken a polygraph test to prove her virginal status and is also willing to undergo a medical exam.

She says she hopes to net up to a million dollars from the auction, which will take place in Nevada at the infamous Moonlight Bunny Ranch (eBay turned her down).

"Through this process I'm not just looking for the highest bidder," she says, adding, "I'm looking for someone who is a genuine, overall nice person."

Howard Stern has denied a report that he is affiliated with the auction.

Link to article.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Back With a Bang!

Give it till the 1:56 mark. Then the slow motion replays begin at 3:00.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

This is Cool

I read this article today and it lead me on a search for a picture of a cougar. The below video is what I came across.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Where Have You Been, What Have You Been Doing?

Those are both good questions. I have been at work, working. Unique concept, I know. Things have been a bit crazy lately and I have neglected you during these rough times. With no time to cruise the net it gives me limited oppotunitites to give you links like this and this. Well, rest assured my valued readers, good things will come in the next couple weeks. Just hang in there and keep checking in.

Much love, KH